Lucky Bastard 13 Cherrypussy 0,75L

4 ratings
Cherry pussy is a beer that contains 26% cherry juice from the Moravian region.

  • 144 Kč / 1 l
  • (>162 pcs) Availabe
    Delivery to: 09/10/2024
108 Kč / pcs
Category: OUR BEER
Weight: 2 kg
Stupňovitost: 11 % EPM
Pivní styl: Fruit Pale Ale
Zákonná kategorie: Pivo světlé plné ochucené nefiltrované svrchně kvašené
Alkohol: 4,7 % obj.
Hořkost: 25 IBU
Chmely: Herkules, Simcoe
Slady: plzeňský, mnichovský
Složení: voda, JEČNÉ SLADY, višňová šťáva, upravený chmel
Objem: 0,75L

Cherry pussy is a beer that contains 26% cherry juice from the Moravian region. This beer is made from pure natural ingredients – only water, hops, malt, yeast, and pressed non-filtered cherry juice from moravian morelo cherry varieties.